Delta Team

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Delta Team is the fourth SCP:SL team.


1. Chump announcing Delta got TOTM with our new mascot/video!!! (12/19/2019)
2. Carolus Rex making a meme about Clashknight being taken by the dark side Gamma. (01/25/2020)

Mod Of The Months

Month:	        Name:
October  2020	Vizra
November 2020	Vizra
December 2020	Vizra
January  2021	Pawthorne 
February 2021	Pawthorne
March    2021   Pawthorne(Now)

Delta Team Memes

2. DABABY!!!!
3. AMONG US!!!

Supermods & Dates They Left

Supermods:               Date They Left On:
 1. Chump                 02/21/2020
 2. My Brother Daryl      10/04/2020
 3. Whix                  12/27/2020
 4. Sovrynn               2/5/2021

Delta Team's Graveyard(Retired Mods)

Retired Mods:
1. Curious George
2. Pigloover
3. Sovrynn
4. Midnight Panda
5. Carolus Rex (11-01-2019 to 2-01-2021)
6. My Brother Daryl
7. KFC Dog
8. Karsin
9. No_You_Kid


  1. Dr.Jerry