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These are the scripts used during promotion ceremonies to promote members.

Continental Cadet to Planetary Ensign

Planetary Ensign to System Lieutenant

Ensign [name], you have been a recruit of |UGA| insofar as to be deemed a true member of our organization. Do you hold our values of Respect, Loyalty, Discipline, Honesty, Dignity, Leadership, and Camaraderie to be your own, and will you teach these values to the next generation of members?
[I do.]
Do you pledge to uphold the Constitution and its Laws, to take no action in undermining it, and follow it to the best of your ability?
[I do.]
By my authority as Universal Admiral of the Universal Gaming Alliance, I hereby promote you from Planetary Ensign to System Lieutenant. Congratulations.

System Lieutenant to Sector Supervisor

Lieutenant [name], you have been a member of |UGA| long enough to be considered a true member of our organization. Are you prepared to adopt the mantle of Leadership, our penultimate Core Value?
[I do.]
Do you pledge to instill the Constitution in each Planetary Ensign, to teach its laws, and support the democratic ratification of the Constitution and instill Core Values in every Planetary Ensign?
[I do.]
By my authority as Universal Admiral of the Universal Gaming Alliance, I hereby promote you from System Lieutenant to Sector Supervisor. Congratulations.

Sector Supervisor to Parsec Prefect

Sector Supervisor [name], a member long enough to be considered moderator material for our community. Are you prepared to become a Discord moderator, to prevent rule-breaking in our server, and fight the corrupting influence of toxicity?
[I am.]
Will you work together with your fellow Parsec Prefects and above, to resist public mob criticism, and defend our community from those who seek to destroy it?
[I will.]
By my authority as Universal Admiral of the Universal Gaming Alliance, I hereby promote you from Sector Supervisor to Parsec Prefect. Congratulations.

Parsec Prefect to Spur Officer

Parsec Prefect [name], you have been a leader in our Discord and a member long enough to be considered a veteran of our organization. Are you ready to adopt the legislative duties of the Spur Diet?
[I am.]
Will you take on the responsibility of promoting Planetary Ensigns, continue to moderate our servers, and continue on your path as a leader of our organization?
[I will.]
By my authority as Universal Admiral of the Universal Gaming Alliance, I hereby promote you from Parsec Prefect to Spur Officer. Congratulations.

Spur Officer to Quadrant Commandant

Spur Officer [name], you have been a senior moderator in our Discord and a moderator in our Discord, and you are now prepared to become a legislator in the Galactic Command Center?
[I am.]
Will you take on the responsibility of amending the Constitution, training our moderators, and continue to be an exemplary member of our organization?
[I will.]
By my authority as [your rank] of the Universal Gaming Alliance, I hereby promote you from Spur Officer to QUadrant Commandant. Congratulations.

Quadrant Commandant to Galactic Commander

Galactic Commander to Supercluster Commodore